Sunday, September 23, 2012

SIW is Up and Going!

I finally got my SIW going this week!
My kids won at the scoreboard, so I told them...this was the day. I waited until I caught one of my kiddos making an improvement and then I jumped up and down and yelled out, "It's time, it's time!" They were so excited. I explained what my super, exciting, bestest thing in the entire world was...and told them it was to keep track of their improvements. We did a teach session on what an improvement was. I heard some good answers, but one was superb...when we get better at something. That's it!
Then, I told the class I had just seen one of them getting better at something. I had them guess who...lots of names were flying around. Then I told them who it was and that he was actually using GESTURES when he was teaching with his partner. I made a big deal about it, because they KNOW how I expect them to use big gestures! I punched his star and he just BEAMED!
It was priceless.
Later in the day, we were at the carpet and I had them teach their neighbors something...another little boy that has struggled with talking at ALL during teach/ok was using gestures (small) and teaching. I called out, "CLASS!" and got their attention. I bragged on him and put up a star punch on his tent. He loved it.
The next day, during writing class while I was monitoring the room I noticed that a little girl that struggled with putting spaces between her words from the start of school had nice spacing. I've praised her several times during the last couple of weeks. I stopped the class and shared that I was giving out another star on our Improvers wall.
My kiddos are eating it up! I've got to start tracking the stars I give out and looking for more stars to give. I don't want to give stars for minimal improvements, but for big efforts! What I am looking for here at the beginning are for students that have struggled with teaching and gesturing and mirroring my gestures. I want to get them on board right away.
I'm loving this new addition to our management plan and my kids are too.

1 comment:

  1. This is very motivating! I have not implemented my student improvers wall yet but I really want to! I think I will work this weekend on how to get started. Any suggestions?

    Please follow my blog to and we can help each other with this journey



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