
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

VistaPrint!!! Awwww...gotta LOVE it!

I'm too excited to wait...
Gotta post again about my VistaPrint order.
Email subscribers should have received an email for free shipping and $50 off orders of $100 or more.
LOOK at all the fun things I got:

I paid $65.13 and got all this:
1 small banner
3 notebooks
1 wraparound mug
2 mouse pads
2 notepads
1 pen
1 keychain
1 set 25 business cards
1 set 25 business card magnets
Woo Hoo!! I'm so excited!

Scoreboard 2.0 (part 2)

Here it is...the rest of the story!
Two more tricks that we learned about (or rather, two more ways to milk the same cow!) include the Wacky Fun Button.
The first is the Wacky Line. As you draw a squiggly line toward the STAR, the class starts saying, "Ahhhh," higher and higher with more and more anticipation the nearer it gets, and "Ohhhhh," lower and lower as the line moves away from the star! Hee kiddos will love it.
After you've used the Wacky Fun Star for a bit, ERASE it!
Then, start adding it back BIT by BIT! Can I hear an, "Ahh!"
This again, is a brilliant way to milk the same cow that has been giving you that delicious milk the entire year!
I hope you enjoyed my description of the updated scoreboard game!
If you are new to WBT--make sure you check out all the fun, free resources at and think about joining the book club!
Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Scoreboard 2.0 (part 1)

The Louisiana WBT Conference was so much more than I could ever have imagined! Thanks to all the incredible people that made it possible!
I learned so much. It was just what Coach B. wants us to do in our classrooms...have bell to bell instruction, without a moment to waste! I barely had time to squeeze in a few notes here and there! But, I managed to get a *few and I have some wonderful things to share with you. Keep reading!
As I've mentioned in previous posts, I sort of fizzled out this spring and didn't utilize enough of the WBT strategies...especially the scoreboard. In fact, there were days I only had (*gasp*) 3-5 tallies on it! (I know, my head is hung in shame) can imagine how my ears perked up when Coach B. reminded us to milk the cow for all we could get...then get a new cow! (IE...use one strategy as long as it was successful, then throw in a new twist to make it successful again!)
So, I give you (du du du DUH!)
Let me explain each "new cow." These are intended for use during the SPRING when your kids start looking like their eyes are glazing over and you are tempted to have recess all day long!
1. On each side of the scoreboard, along with or instead of smilies/frownies put BABY SCHOOL and __th Grade (add 2 years to your class' grade level). Remind them you expect them to perform at 3rd grade level. If they are not giving you much participation, gestures, or energy...tell them, "That was Baby School behavior," and give the frownie! RAISE the bar! (Can I hear an, "Ahhhh!")
2. Double Points! (Genius) Put 2X on the scoreboard (in a different color marker). Extra super behavior gets double points when written with that color.
*Remember to keep the 3+/- rule with your points!
3. Wacky Fun Button (*WFB) Draw a STAR on the scoreboard. Tell the kids when you touch it, they can make funny animal noises until you stop. Can't you see your class eating that up!
Better yet, Coach says you'll have them eating out of your hand!
4. Wacky Fun Arrow: Instead of just touching the WFB, build anticipation by drawing an arrow that gets closer and closer to the STAR! Class gives a mighty, "OH YEAH!" for each added arrow and gets the fun party when it is reached.
Wait, that's not all.
If you want to learn about even more fun ways to milk the scoreboard for all it's worth...stay tuned!
I need to know how BADLY you want to learn more about keeping your kids eating out of the palm of your hand with scoreboard fun!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My 1st WBT Conference

I am so excited to be here in Louisiana attending my first ever WBT conference
It is thrilling to see my heroes and learn new ideas.
(Can I hear an, "Ahhhh!")
Also, a big shout out to Nancy Stoltenberg for being named the WBT Teacher of the Year! You rock!

If you haven't checked out Lindsey Roush's newest YouTube video on oral writing, QUICK...go watch. It has the most amazing game called Help Me. Students aren't embarrassed or feel dumb if they can't come up with an answer, they simply hold out their hands to the class and say, "Help me!" The class gives answers and ideas until the student knows what to say and calls out, "Class!" 

Coach B. taught us all about it in our breakout session today.

Stay tuned for more great words of wisdom that will take you straight to teacher heaven! Oh, yeah.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Brand New Blog Look!

Whew, I've spent most of yesterday and all of this morning revamping my blog...and I'm not even finished! So far, I've figured out how to get my new *custom header and background in place (from!) and created those cute little social icon buttons on the side! I found an awesome image mapper creator that is free and online - nothing to download: Image Mapper.
How do you like the new look?

Monday, June 10, 2013

WBT Conference, Book Club and Common Core Posters

I am SO (I mean SSSSOOOOOOO) excited to be attending the WBT National Conference next week!
My son's teacher from last year is attending with me.
I hope to get energized and ready for the upcoming year!
Woo Hoo!
Check back for details and accounts from the conference. :)
Speaking of WBT...there's a book club going on right now!
Head over to their new blog and check it out!

Last...I've finally finished my Common Core I-Can Posters!
They are {of course} a camping theme, and so stinking cute!
You've got to check them out if you teach first grade!
I'm starting to work on other grades as well! Follow me on TpT and you'll be the first to know when I've added them.
Have a great day!