
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Scoreboard 2.0 (part 2)

Here it is...the rest of the story!
Two more tricks that we learned about (or rather, two more ways to milk the same cow!) include the Wacky Fun Button.
The first is the Wacky Line. As you draw a squiggly line toward the STAR, the class starts saying, "Ahhhh," higher and higher with more and more anticipation the nearer it gets, and "Ohhhhh," lower and lower as the line moves away from the star! Hee kiddos will love it.
After you've used the Wacky Fun Star for a bit, ERASE it!
Then, start adding it back BIT by BIT! Can I hear an, "Ahh!"
This again, is a brilliant way to milk the same cow that has been giving you that delicious milk the entire year!
I hope you enjoyed my description of the updated scoreboard game!
If you are new to WBT--make sure you check out all the fun, free resources at and think about joining the book club!
Have a wonderful day!

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