
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My 1st WBT Conference

I am so excited to be here in Louisiana attending my first ever WBT conference
It is thrilling to see my heroes and learn new ideas.
(Can I hear an, "Ahhhh!")
Also, a big shout out to Nancy Stoltenberg for being named the WBT Teacher of the Year! You rock!

If you haven't checked out Lindsey Roush's newest YouTube video on oral writing, QUICK...go watch. It has the most amazing game called Help Me. Students aren't embarrassed or feel dumb if they can't come up with an answer, they simply hold out their hands to the class and say, "Help me!" The class gives answers and ideas until the student knows what to say and calls out, "Class!" 

Coach B. taught us all about it in our breakout session today.

Stay tuned for more great words of wisdom that will take you straight to teacher heaven! Oh, yeah.


  1. Melissa, wasn't the conference amazing!!! So happy that you were able to make it, and glad that you enjoyed it! I left feeling so motivated and ready for August...which isn't a very common feeling from teachers outside of the WBT world ;)

  2. L-O-V-E-D it! It was so nice meeting you! I'm going to have the teacher I brought with me check out your blog and videos. She teaches 5th and knew nothing a out WBT before this conference (except that I can't stop talking about it and how amazing it is!) I'm pumped now!
