
Saturday, August 18, 2012

FB Whole Brain Teaching Mini-Lessons

If you aren't a fan of the WBT Facebook page, head on over there and "like" it right away! Coach B is offering little mini-lessons on WBT techniques! Right now he is concentrating on critical thinking in the classroom! Who couldn't use some extra help in that area?

The more comments and likes each lesson gets, the more lessons will be provided. This is a great resource when you just have a few seconds and want a quick WBT jolt of learning! I think it is Coach B's way of adding some little "fun bursts" into our day!

Last year I was using the core 4-class/yes, scoreboard, teach/ok, and mirrors. I thought I was doing pretty well at being a WB teacher! My kids were engaged and having fun. I was having fun. But, I was clearly lacking the critical thinking piece.

I have already started using the "because clapper" with my firsties this year. They are really catching onto it and I see how important it is for them to connect their opinions with reasons and examples. There is a much deeper understanding of our lessons when this happens.

If you are struggling with critical thinking in your classroom, head over for some quick ideas on FB--or better yet, hop on over to and watch some of the archived webcasts or download a free eBook!

This is by far the most amazing thing I have stumbled on in my teaching career. It will make such a difference in your classroom environment, you’ll soon be a believer too!

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