
Friday, July 15, 2011

Yearn to Learn Blog Linky (Find New Blogs!)


Find New Blog Friends!

1.  A blogger who is a "New Kid on the Blog"
(Let's say someone who has blogged 2 months or less and has less than 200 followers)

(Looks like she started about the same time I did!)

2.  Post a blogger in your same grade level

(I can relate--I've taught 3rd, 7th, technology 1-8...but 1st is the Best! Plus, she's been very helpful to me as a new blogger)

3.  Post a blogger in a different grade level

I just love Fran over at Kindergarten Crayons.
She always has such creative ideas.

4.  It's all about the button. Find a cute blog button and post it.
I just found this cute blog through this linky party :)

Mrs. Saylor's Log

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog through the Linky Party. I'm now a follower!
