
Whole Brain Teaching

Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) is a wonderful, amazing, grassroots movement to help bring FUN learning into the classroom, keep teachers from burning out and help students from tuning out! Founder, Chris Biffle has done so much for education reform.

This is taken off the WBT website-

1999-In the small Southern California town of Yucaipa, three instructors, Chris Biffle (college), Jay Vanderfin (kindergarten) and Chris Rekstad (4th grade) spend a year designing a radical new teaching system based on three principles: the system should be brain based, fun and free.

When I discovered it just after school started last year I was so excited to put some of the strategies to use! I had seen a youtube video of Deb Weigel and it was amazing how involved the kids were. I started searching for more videos and couldn't get enough. I had to try it! I loved it, the kids loved it. They took to it right away. What a difference it made in my class! The atmosphere was so upbeat. The kids were involved. They were having FUN! kept me from nagging so much.

The basics of WBT include:
Class Rules

It is hard to believe how things so simple can make such an improvement in your classroom.

If you'd like to know more about WBT and read/download/view TONS of frrrrrreeeeeee (yes, FREE) resources,
click here:

This was the first video I saw and I LOVED the energy and enthusiasm!

Go ahead...check it out! You WON'T be disappointed!

For a GREAT list of WBT blogs-see Miss L's page here!
I've moved my reflections back onto my main page, and will continue to post updates there! Stay tuned :)

Look at the list of topics on the right and read more of my posts on WBT:
Whole Brain Teaching, WBT, Super Improvers' Wall (SIW), Power Pix, 5 Rules