
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

WBT Review Results

Yesterday, as planned, I used the new PDF from Coach B on the 5 Basics of Whole Brain Teaching (from WBCollege!) *see previous Goals post.
My kids really enjoyed it. I have several that can't seem to get enthusiastic about using the gestures! But, I keep trying!
After the first three questions, I thought how cool it would be to video my kids doing this lesson! So I set up my iPad on the side of the classroom and kept on teaching. *No prepping the students, notice the waves! Hee hee.
I really enjoyed using the PDF lesson as a review. I'd totally recommend it to anyone wanting to try out WBT! It is very scripted and fun. They kids loved the graphics and were thrilled to find out Coach B was a REAL person!
I also explained to them how they've been learning with their WHOLE brain this year...and college students do the same things!
They thought that was pretty neat.
I completed the entire lesson in one session...which was a bit much for my first graders. I'd break it up next time. There was too much teaching involved, with too much information (all 5 questions at once!).
All in all, it was a hit. We critiqued ourselves afterwards and have really gotten motivated to do better!
It also gave me a good shot in the arm! I had over 30 tallies on the scoreboard! Yeah!
If you'd like to see the video-check it out:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

WBT Slump~with Goals

Well, I've been in quite a slump!
I need a RE-BOOST! Ugh!
We are just finishing up our "Spring Break"--I say that loosely since we have to have our grades turned in for report cards upon our return on Monday. (Plus, I've been doing TAXES-yuck)
I am planning on hitting WBT strategies in a big way when we start back! Here are my goals:
  1. Review the BASICS using Coach B's NEW pdf file-
  2. Motivational Start EACH morning (Who's ready to learn today? WE'RE READY TO LEARN TODAY...etc.)
  3. Use that scoreboard MORE!
  4. Make 2-3 more videos before the end of the year
  6. Attend the 3-Day Conference this summer in Louisiana!

How about you? How is your Whole Brain Teaching going?
Leave me a comment! :)