
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Guided Math

Last year I tried doing my math groups based on Debbie Diller's book, Math Stations. I have to admit, it was a lot of work, changing out my stations on a weekly, bi-weekly basis and having 10-12 stations going at once.
So this year, I've gone back to how I set up guided math in the past.
I have 4 groups and meet with each group daily. I have 4 activities (including meeting with me for the lesson). I've seen cute acronyms for the centers, but not any that will fit with my camping I racked my brain and came up with
the Math PATH!
I love it! It fits perfectly and my kids LOVE it.
I've packaged it up and have it available in my TpT store.
Here is a preview:
 How is your guided math going this year?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Almost Video Time! (turned evaluation~)

Well, I was all pumped up and ready to video on Friday...but found out I have to have my evaluation by administration this week...and my video lesson is all, unless I can video AND have my evaluation at the same time, I might have to put it off yet another week. :(

I planned on doing the noun Power Pix. I had seen some cute noun anchor charts on Pinterest, so I created my own camping anchor charts to go along with the lesson. I also created some for my verb lesson next week. (Might have to video that one!) Head over to my TpT store if you like them!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

SIW is Up and Going!

I finally got my SIW going this week!
My kids won at the scoreboard, so I told them...this was the day. I waited until I caught one of my kiddos making an improvement and then I jumped up and down and yelled out, "It's time, it's time!" They were so excited. I explained what my super, exciting, bestest thing in the entire world was...and told them it was to keep track of their improvements. We did a teach session on what an improvement was. I heard some good answers, but one was superb...when we get better at something. That's it!
Then, I told the class I had just seen one of them getting better at something. I had them guess who...lots of names were flying around. Then I told them who it was and that he was actually using GESTURES when he was teaching with his partner. I made a big deal about it, because they KNOW how I expect them to use big gestures! I punched his star and he just BEAMED!
It was priceless.
Later in the day, we were at the carpet and I had them teach their neighbors something...another little boy that has struggled with talking at ALL during teach/ok was using gestures (small) and teaching. I called out, "CLASS!" and got their attention. I bragged on him and put up a star punch on his tent. He loved it.
The next day, during writing class while I was monitoring the room I noticed that a little girl that struggled with putting spaces between her words from the start of school had nice spacing. I've praised her several times during the last couple of weeks. I stopped the class and shared that I was giving out another star on our Improvers wall.
My kiddos are eating it up! I've got to start tracking the stars I give out and looking for more stars to give. I don't want to give stars for minimal improvements, but for big efforts! What I am looking for here at the beginning are for students that have struggled with teaching and gesturing and mirroring my gestures. I want to get them on board right away.
I'm loving this new addition to our management plan and my kids are too.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Getting Ready for My SIW!

This is the week! We are starting the Super Improvers' Wall one way or another. At the beginning of last week I started really talking about the super, awesome, bestest thing EVER that I had to tell them about. I had them BEGGING me to tell them.
Unfortunatley (*wink) I ran out of time the first day. Something came up the next also, then they lost at the scoreboard game the next. I said for losing the scoreboard game, they'd have to wait to hear about my SUPER, bestest, most amazing thing EVER! You should have heard the moans, the begging and pleading!
That happened again the next day. Oh, man--they want to know my secret SOOooo bad! I love it.
I had to have a sub today while I stayed home with my sick son.
So...tomorrow I plan on unveiling the mystery behind the SIW.
I didn't drag mine out like some...(such creative ideas!) but I still have them wanting it! I had an earlier post about the form I made to go along with tracking improvements and goals. I hope it helps me stay accountable and give those stars out!
I've decided on using a star punch to mark their tents each time I give them an improvement star.
Can't wait!
I've also been dreaming (literally) about my WBT Certification video! I am starting it for SURE this week. I have 2 photo release forms still out, but I'm getting started anyway. :)
Congratulations to the FIRST Certified WBT: Lindsey Roush!
10 finger Woooooooo!
See her video here on YouTube.
Wib On...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

WBT Certification and Some Freebies

I am so excited to be in the top rankings for
Whole Brain Teaching Certification!
I will be filming my teaching video in the next couple of weeks.
Then, all I'll have left is the oral interview and I'll be a Certified WBT Instructor! Yippee.
This class is still doing great. I'm loving it.
I have a couple that don't seem to be aware of their surroundings and are completely oblivious to class/yes and some of our other routines. It baffles me! I'll try to use the scoreboard to motivate them, but they will just look at me. They are really good kids, just not that into all the "hype!" Does anyone else have any kiddos like that?
I had two half-day sub days this week for DIBELS testing (about 98% of my class is ABOVE benchmark! Wow.) Those days I saw a marked change in behavior and the overall atmosphere of my room when I returned for the afternoon. The teacher was great and tried to use class/yes and the scoreboard--but only had a few tallies on it when I returned each day.
I'm still struggling to work that scoreboard to my advantage and ping-pong the points to get the class motivated. As always, when I stay hyped and excited -- so do they! I know if there is a lull in participation and motivation, I'm not doing my part!
On to my next WBT addition this year: The Forgotten Jewel of Whole Brain Teaching!
I created a handy-dandy tracking sheet so I can record observations, SIW stars (when I start that) and the weekly "score."
(Keep reading and I'll share it!)
The forgotten jewel is coming up with a classroom management average by assigning each student a score between 1 and 4. Add all the scores together and divide by the number of students in your class.
The key:
4=model student (always on task)
3=go along (follows model student)
2=fence sitter (some on/off days)
1=challenging (rarely on task)
My first full week CMA=2.54
I only had two 4s. The goal is to work on the 3s and help them move up to 4s and help your 2s move up to 3s, etc.
I'm interested to see how this works for me!
Click the picture below to get your free form:
For our space unit, I created 4 power pix to use for our vocabulary.
Click below if you'd like to grab them as well!
I have uploaded my Power Pix AND Power Pix Templates to Google Docs. You need PowerPoint to open and edit!
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